Introducing the latest in our ‘5 Minutes Interview Series’. This month we spoke to Udaya Shakya one of the Developer’s here at UniLED. Read below to find out why he loves working in DOOH, what his favourite UniLIVE feature is, and if he could do any job, for one day, what that would be.
What’s your role at UniLED?
As a Full Stack Web Engineer, I’m responsible for designing and building our technology platforms. I also set-up databases, create the visible parts of our platform, and importantly test everything to make sure it functions correctly from start to finish.
What is your favourite UniLIVE feature?
It’s hard to single out just one feature, given the extensive work we’ve put into evolving the platform. The latest version offers a range of impressive new features which significantly enhance the user experience and functionality.
What do you love most about working in the DOOH sector?
Our UniLIVE platform is so unique and it’s rare to come across similar technology in the industry, which makes our work both exciting and pioneering. The sector’s dynamic nature also offers me the opportunity to delve into new technology, allowing for lots of personal development.
How would you describe UniLED in 3 words?
Pioneering, Empowering, Visionary
If you could do another job, for just one day, what would it be?
I would be a Project Manager, as it gives opportunities to orchestrate and oversee a diverse range of tasks, which I know would keep me engaged and motivated.
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